新型の電鍵が誕生しました。(A new paddle completed)
I made a new type paddle again. this one has L shaped levers and these levers are pulled by a thin stainless rod spring as shown in the photoes. The spring tension and the gaps of the contact points can be adjusted by femail screws. Some points must be improved so i will name this paddle as "Sprout" intending to have more high quality one I mean grew up from this new sprout. .
| 固定リンク
- シングルレバーパドルの製作 Making a Single Lever Paddle(2024.03.09)
- 左手用Bug Key の製作(Making a Bug Key for left hand operator)(2024.01.13)
- Straight Keyの製作 (Making a Straight Key)(2023.11.26)
- 精魂込めた手作り電鍵「Bug Key」3台とSingle Lever Paddle(Home made three Bugs and a Single Lever Paddle)(2023.11.19)
- 電動式弓鋸の切削荷重調節機構と切り終わった後の弓鋸を引き上げておくハンガーの取り付け(Hack Saw Loading Adjuster and hunger)(2023.10.27)