« 新型の電鍵が誕生しました。(A new paddle completed) | トップページ | 新型縦振り電鍵その2(A new type vertical swiperr second stage) »

2015年5月 6日 (水)

新型縦振り電鍵(A new type vertical swiper)


Img_1048I have just started to make a traditional type vertical swiper mounted on a wooden base. Usually I used marble base but this time I will make a base with a Japanese cypress.
The parts for this key must be made by me 100 parcent except a coil spring. I will paint the metal surface with clear lacquer to protect from oxcidation. This coating method is used in the field of musical instrument such as SAX, Trumpet, Trombone,etc. 


« 新型の電鍵が誕生しました。(A new paddle completed) | トップページ | 新型縦振り電鍵その2(A new type vertical swiperr second stage) »






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« 新型の電鍵が誕生しました。(A new paddle completed) | トップページ | 新型縦振り電鍵その2(A new type vertical swiperr second stage) »