静かなBug Keyの製作 (Making a Quiet Type Bug Key)
静かに操作ができるBug Key を製作しました。一般的にBug Key の振り子の振動を瞬時に停止させるには振り子を錘に接触させて錘を少しだけ移動させることによって振り子の運動エネルギーを位置のエネルギー(ポテンシャル エネルギー)に変換することで振動を停止させますが、この方式だと錘にぶつける音がして操作が煩くなります。そこで錘を動かすのではなくシリコンゴムに接触させて止める方法を使いました。ゴムを変形させることで運動エネルギーが内部の粘性抵抗によって熱エネルギーに変換されます。この方法は静かなBug Keyになります。吸収されるエネルギーは小さいので振り子はなるべく軽くするためにアルミの丸棒を使いました。
下記のURLはこのBug Key ノ動画です。
I made a bug key again this is a very quiet type one. Usually the vibration device to make the dot signal is very noisy because the vibration is stopped by hitting a small weight which can observe the kinetic energy changing to potential energy by moving the weight to move slightly upper position which means the vibration energy (kinetic energy) changed to the potential energy. When the the weight of the vibration device (pendulum) is large the stopper weight should be large enough to observe the energy thus when I make a slow speed bug the pendulum weight must be large then the bug will be noisy. So this time I used a silicon rubber tube instead of the stopping weight. When the rubber tube deformed by kinetic energy the energy can be changed into heat energy due to the viscoelasticity of the silicon rubber tube. I think this is a very quiet device to stop the pendulum vibration. However, the pendulum must be very light because the observing energy is small.
I used a alminum rod to make it more light. Well this is very difficult to explain my opinion in English. My explanation is very redundant. I want to make the sentence more short, I hope you understand what I mean in my poor English expression.!!
I expect many opinions or comments !!
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