幼かった頃の写真 その2
I found this old photo. It was just after the WW2 we were very hard to find house to live in and the food was very much shorted. It was much more hard world than Uclaine now. Every thing is shorted then my mother made for us almost every thing we need to go to primary school suc as caps, sweters, trousers, bugs and Tabi (Japanese socks). At that time there were no badges to put it on the cap so my mother put a brass button to the cap instead of a badge. In this picture I can identify which one is me because at this time I had eye disease so I did have pain in my eyes always then my head was some what tilted. Yes I am the left one. My cornea were going to be muddy due to lack of nutrition. My mother was very skinny and her skin was tend to break out with many rashs. My father returned from the battle front (Ogasawara islands) and he was greatly suntaned and fat so we thought he was very healthy but it was not, he was just swollen due to lack of nutrition. He told us he was relieved when he found some skin of tangerine on the road,,, because he thought the skin of tangerine is eatable ! We have to thank to our mother and father !