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2022年8月18日 (木)

サックス用スワブの製作 (Making a Swab for Saxophone)



When I started Saxophone playing I was taught to crean the inside of the Sax after playing using so called "Swab".So I used a Swab sold at YAMAHA shop. But I realized that Swab is just a cloth to use clean the Sax. The Swab is "zoukin" in Japanese. So i decided to make the Swab by myself. First I used a big yellow colored cloth but it was good for tenor Sax but too big for the Alto Sax. This time I used a large Handkerchief. I used a tube type string or cord and put a 6mm φ 20mm long brass for the weight at the end of the string. those materials are all reused one so I don't need any expense just "Zero" en ¥. It was very easy to make because I used a sewing machine. 

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2022年8月11日 (木)



Many years ago my Ham Radio friend gave me this larg Radio Controlled Air Plane. But it has no radio controlle devices. Ther is no wide enough place to enjoy the plane so I didn't let it to fly. This kind of plane is very noisy due to the small engine with a little maffler. The wing length is 1.6m and the fuselarge is 1.2m long. I hunged up under the ceiling but recently I feel it is a kind of nuisance so I decidedt to slow it away !!   

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2022年8月 8日 (月)

機械式半自動電鍵(Bug Key)

ずいぶんとしばらくぶりのBrog 更新です。8月20日から21日に東京で3年ぶりにハムフェアー(アマチュア無線のフェスティバル)が開かれます。例年ではモールス通信用の電鍵(キー)を出品していましたが、今年はHAM-NETと言う無線のお店に委託販売をします。既に電鍵5台をそのお店に発送済ですが新たに新型の機械式半自動電鍵を7台製作したので近日中に発送します。この電鍵はモールス信号の短点の部分だけバネと錘の共振を利用して自動的に送出する装置でBug Keyと呼ばれています。これはアメリカのVibroprex社が最初に開発して売り出したときにそのロゴに虫(Bug)の絵が付いていたのでBug Keyと呼ばれるようになりました。錘の位置や重さを変更することで送信の速度を変更することが出来ます。このキーは製作も難しいのですが使用する時に最も適切な状態にするための各部の調整もかなり難しいキーなのでどちらかと言えばモールス通信の上級者向きのキーだと思います。

It has already passed long time since I posted to this blog. Now I 'll show you my home brewed bug Keys.
I already made more than 15 Bug Keys and now I can satisfy the bug key I made. This time I used a very hard wood material so called Zelkova tree for the base and I put a 12mm thick iron plate to make the key very heavy. I has 1.576kg weight. I used a silicon rubber tube to stop the pendulum. Another four keys with red colored finger plate are also the Bugs but those are made with inde pendent levers for dash signals. The white colored marble stone based keys are Single lever paddles with plastic dust cover. I think those keys are rather some what difficult to operate so I think these key would be for CW veterans.

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