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2022年9月29日 (木)





Recently I found rain leaking from ceiling of my small work shop. The rain drops were were driping from the ceiling on to the machines, then the machines get rusted and working desk get very wet. I decided to put some caulking compound into some cracks on the roof. The roof materials had been damaged by strong Sun light for the long time. I think now a thin roofing sheet is only preventing rain leaking. I think I need a more fundamental countermeasure will be needed.


After I did caulking, the rain leak has stopped so I will look after for few days of rain falling.

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2022年9月15日 (木)



I made a very srandard tyle straight key. I used a red colored wood for the base named "Padock" imported from Africa. It has 20mm thick, 58mm width and 160mm length. I made this very securely so I think this kind of key is very good for the person who are just going to practice CW (CW stands for Continuous Wave which means Morse Code Signal Radio Wave). The serial number is No.1295. 

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2022年9月 4日 (日)


久々に依頼があったのでIAMBIC型パドル「Glori-Ann」を製作しました。これは2枚のレバーのバネ圧をそれぞれ独立して調整が出来ます。普通は左右のバネ圧は同じでも全く問題は無いのですが中には親指と人指し指とでは指の圧力の差がある人が居られるようです。台座はイタリア産の高級大理石「ビアンコカララ」でその上に10mm厚の透明なアクリルに構築して搭載あしてあります。今回はFinger Plateをダストカバーと同じのガラス色にしたのでスッキリした感じになりました。これは通算製作番号がNo.1293号になります。間もなく定年を迎えられる方がお使いになる予定です。これで第2の人生を大いにエンジョイしていただけたら嬉しいですね。通信技術が飛躍的に進歩した現在の地球上でも、レトロなモールス信号による通信が最近は以前よりも繁栄してきているのが不思議です。ーー・・・ ・・・-- (73と言う符号で”さようなら”を意味します。

It has already past a long time since I made the IAMBIC Type Paddle. This time I enjoyed making the IAMBIC Paddle. It has two coil springs on each lever side as shown in the pictures to be able to adjust spring pressure independently for both levers. I think it is not necessary to adjust on both side however, a few people need to adjust it on both side because those persons have different finger pressure for thumb and index finger. The base is a marble stone named "BIANKOKARARA" imported from Italy. And I constructed the paddle mechanism on 10mm thick transparent aclrylic plate and mounted on the marble stone. I made the finger plates with a glass like acrylic plate same as the dust cover material so it looks very refleshed. The serial number is 1293. I was asked to make this one from a person who are going to retire soon. So I hope he will enjoy his second life after he retired. Now a days the communication technic has greatly advanced but why ? the Morse code communication are now very actively used around the world. It is incredible !  ーー・・・ ・・・ーー (This is a code to say 73 and which means Good bye) 

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