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2023年10月27日 (金)

電動式弓鋸の切削荷重調節機構と切り終わった後の弓鋸を引き上げておくハンガーの取り付け(Hack Saw Loading Adjuster and hunger)



When we use the hack saw it's loading can be adjusted by our hand,however, the loading weight must be adjusted by adjusting some device when we use the motor driven hack saw Then I made a loading adjustng device along to the cutting line of the hack saw by sliding a weight over the hack saw. And I also made an automatic hunging apparatus of the hack saw after working.




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2023年10月19日 (木)

複合電鍵(Combo-Key)の製作 Making a Combo-Key



This time I was asked to make a Combo-Key. The Paddle must be located on the left and the Straight Key must be on the right side on the base. I used a white marble stone imported from Italy. The base size is 150mm wide,120mm length and 20mm thick. Imade the Combo-key on a clear acrylic plate and then put it on the marble stone. Img_6563

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2023年10月 9日 (月)

複合電鍵の製作(Making a Combo-Key)

複合電鍵(Combo-Key)を作りました。アフリカ産のパドックと言う赤味の美しい木材をベースにしてその下に9mm厚のステンレス鋼鈑を重量を増すために付加しました。パドルは作り易いLake Louiseというシリーズでストレートキーはスエーデン型にしました。ステンレス鋼は非常に硬いのでM4のタップを開けるのに苦労しました。

I made a Combo-Key. I used a Padock(I'm not sure the spelling of this wood name) imported from Africa for the base and I put a 9mm thick stainless steel to make it more heavy. It was very hard to make the screw tap because the stainless steel is very h hard.Img_6502 Img_6501-2 Img_6501  

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左手用Bug Keyの製作(Making a Bug Key for Left Hand oprator)

左手用のBug Keyを製作して欲しいという依頼があり、初めての経験なりますが製作してみました。右手用しか作ったことが無かったので難しいと思いました、右手用ばかりに慣れていたので左手用を作るのは慣れていなかったからです、そこで慎重に仕事をしましたが、やはり指板(Finger Plate)を作る時にうっかりとしていて右手用を作ってしまいました!。そこで当然指板は作り直しました。1枚目の写真は通常の右手用です。左手用は部品の配置が全て逆になります。
Img_5904 Img_6525 Img_6524 Img_6523 I was asked to make a bug Key for left hand operator. I thought it would be somewhat difficult to make a key for left hand because I have already made many bug keys only for right hand operators so I am accustomed or I used to make for right hand type parts.
However, I finally succeeded to make one but I missed to make a finger piece (finger plate) as I made it for usual type(right).
So I made it again.!

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2023年10月 7日 (土)

電動式弓鋸盤の製作( Making a Motor driven Hack Saw)




It has already past very long time since I wrote my blog so maybe I have forgotten how to write my blog. This time I made a motor driven hack saw. Before I make this one I thought it would be easy work however, when I started making this I realized that I found so many troubles. First of all I need a very powrful motor having very strong torque and the saw must be swing in a straight line withoiut moving in side way. To make a wide range saw stroke the drive arm of the motor must be long enough but it will resulted in to reduce the rotating torqe so the swinging stroke must be selected with a enough torqe.

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