複合電鍵(Combo-Key)の製作 Making a Combo-Key
This time I was asked to make a Combo-Key. The Paddle must be located on the left and the Straight Key must be on the right side on the base. I used a white marble stone imported from Italy. The base size is 150mm wide,120mm length and 20mm thick. Imade the Combo-key on a clear acrylic plate and then put it on the marble stone.
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« 複合電鍵の製作(Making a Combo-Key) | トップページ | 電動式弓鋸の切削荷重調節機構と切り終わった後の弓鋸を引き上げておくハンガーの取り付け(Hack Saw Loading Adjuster and hunger) »
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- Straight Keyの製作 (Making a Straight Key)(2023.11.26)
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- 電動式弓鋸の切削荷重調節機構と切り終わった後の弓鋸を引き上げておくハンガーの取り付け(Hack Saw Loading Adjuster and hunger)(2023.10.27)