電動式弓鋸盤の製作( Making a Motor driven Hack Saw)
It has already past very long time since I wrote my blog so maybe I have forgotten how to write my blog. This time I made a motor driven hack saw. Before I make this one I thought it would be easy work however, when I started making this I realized that I found so many troubles. First of all I need a very powrful motor having very strong torque and the saw must be swing in a straight line withoiut moving in side way. To make a wide range saw stroke the drive arm of the motor must be long enough but it will resulted in to reduce the rotating torqe so the swinging stroke must be selected with a enough torqe.
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- シングルレバーパドルの製作 Making a Single Lever Paddle(2024.03.09)
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- 電動式弓鋸の切削荷重調節機構と切り終わった後の弓鋸を引き上げておくハンガーの取り付け(Hack Saw Loading Adjuster and hunger)(2023.10.27)