左手用Bug Key の製作(Making a Bug Key for left hand operator)
左手用のBug Keyを製作して欲しいという依頼がありました。左手用のBug Key の製作はこれで2回目ですが、今までは右手用だけを作っていたので左手用の製作は慣れていません。製作の治具(Jig)も用意していないので時間もかかるし、間違いも起きやすいですね。そこで慎重に注意を払いながら製作しました。試し打ちのデモ動画をYoutubeに載せましたが左手は慣れていないのでうまく打てませんでした。
下記のURLは子の左手用Bug Keyのデモ動画です。
I was asked to make a Bug Key for left hand operator. I have already accustomed to make the Bug Key for right hand operators only so it s very difficult to make the Bug for the left hand operator.
I must to make the Bug very carefully to do not make any mistakes.
I didn't have any jig for left hand Bug so I took much time to make parts for it. When I do not concentrate my mind to "left hand" I maybe make some mistakes.
The following URL is a demonstration Video for this Key.
I must to make the Bug very carefully to do not make any mistakes.
I didn't have any jig for left hand Bug so I took much time to make parts for it. When I do not concentrate my mind to "left hand" I maybe make some mistakes.
The following URL is a demonstration Video for this Key.
