
2022年6月 2日 (木)

幼かった頃の写真 その2


I found this old photo. It was just after the WW2 we were very hard to find house to live in and the food was very much shorted. It was much more hard world than Uclaine now. Every thing is shorted then my mother made for us almost every thing we need to go to primary school suc as caps, sweters, trousers, bugs and Tabi (Japanese socks). At that time there were no badges to put it on the cap so my mother put a brass button to the cap instead of a badge. In this picture I can identify which one is me because at this time I had eye disease so I did have pain in my eyes always then my head was some what tilted. Yes I am the left one. My cornea were going to be muddy due to lack of nutrition. My mother was very skinny and her skin was tend to break out with many rashs. My father returned from the battle front (Ogasawara islands) and he was greatly suntaned and fat so we thought he was very healthy but it was not, he was just swollen due to lack of nutrition. He told us he was relieved when he found some skin of tangerine on the road,,, because he thought the skin of tangerine is eatable ! We have to thank to our mother and father !  

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2018年2月10日 (土)

角膜移植手術の前後の比較(Cornea Transplantation)






About 28 years ago I had cornea transplantation on my both eyes.My cornea had became muddy when I was a elementary school boy. And gradually getting cloudy. When I aged about 50 I couldn't read newspapers. The vision was about 0.2 so it was very hard to work in the company.  Ichikawa general hospital ophthalmology was introduced to me and famous doctor Shimazaki did the cornea transplantation on my both eyes. After the surgery I can see the things very well. I thought all cars running on the road looks just after washed. Every colorful goods look very shining and beautiful I was so moved.I was very happy because I can read the musical notes then I started to practice playing saxophones. It is not necessary to explain "before and after" as you can clearly understand them. The cornea became very transpalent after the transplantation. The cornea were imported from America by aipplane transportation. In my dream when i was seeing my face in a miller my face was black as if I am a black skinned person. The vision of the black skinned person is very sharp. The Massai people have vishon of 5.0 and they can read news paper put on first floor (road) standing from the top of the building.      

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2016年9月 4日 (日)






これを一人で食べた訳ではありませんよ! 娘と家内と私の3人でシェアーしました。美味しかったなー!!(^-^)’’


My daughter invited us (me and my wife) to a Pizza Parlor in Zushi city where she lives. So many toppings were on the thick Pizza base. We ordered three kinds of Pizza and shared them so we enjoyed tasting those three of them. I ate them with drinking a cup of ginger ale. It was very good and I hope my weight will increase a bit more.

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2016年8月10日 (水)

娘たちが幼かった頃の夢を良く見る(I often dream of my daughters when they are very young)


Recently I often dream of my daughters when they were much younger. In the dream they are very small like a little doll holding on my palm and sometimes I am picking them up on my armes and walking. Maybe it is because around my house five young couples moved here and they have five infants one for each. Children will rapidly grow up and soon leave from us. I found a very old photograph. I was also very young!

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2016年6月11日 (土)



I have already experienced eight times of eye surgeries. Onece a cornea transplantation, two times cornea transplantation, cataract surgery for one time, three times of glaucoma suregery and finally a surgery of detachment of the retina on my rightside eye.The surgery of the galaucoma is just on ly to make a discharge passage for liquid produced in the eye ball to reduce the pressure in the eye ball. This passage made in the eye ball is a kind of a injury for the eye ball therefore this injury would be healed naturally due to the character having every creatures not only human beings but all the animal kinds.This is why I had three times galaucoma surgeries in the past.It has already passsed two years and half then the pressure is gradually increasing so I am much anxious for the pressure.The visual field of rightside eye has already shrinked more than half so I hope to have the surgery for four times must be done in a very long time later. I must vist ophthalmology for ver often to care my eye. But now I can read the musical note and enjoy the Saxophone. 

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2016年1月19日 (火)

後発白内障の手術(A medical operation after cataract)


It was a very cold snowy day yesterday Jan.18th. I went to Ichikawa city in Chiba prefecture. There is a big hospital called Ichikawa General Hospital where I had eye surgery for several times.Three times of coanea transplantations, one cataract surgery and three times of glaucoma surgeries. My left side eye is very good now but right side eye has already greatly damaged by glaucoma. I have only half visual field on my right side eye. And recently very hard to see the things. Doctor told me that a memblrane behind the artificial lenz in my right side eye became muddy that is why it is very hard to see. She (the doctor) said a laser surgery is good for this symptom. The muddy memblane will be cleared transparently. She asked do you want ? I immediately told her of course! The laser surgery was very easy and done in a very short time. Few laser pulses were applied and suddenly my vision was cleared.I can see her hair was just purely black and white gown was just pure white ! It was almost impossible to read small letters before but now I can read !! I am so happy now. Reading the musical note is bacame also easy !!

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2015年10月15日 (木)

葉山牛のステーキ(Hayama beefsteak)



I didn't write any story or article concening in about food. I thought I should better to write something about food this time. It was a beautiful early Autumn day yesterday. My daughter brought us by her car from Zushi station to a restrant named "Tsunoguruma" in Hayama. This restrant is famouse for Hayama beefsteak. We can order beef meat of any portion of a cow. We ordered a round of beef as it is very soft. The beef were rare but a burned stone was attached on the plate so that we can grill again to be more good.
I prefer well done and the beef were so soft and good taste. However, the p○○○○ was much ○○ than usual ordinary peoples daily food !!   

続きを読む "葉山牛のステーキ(Hayama beefsteak)"

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2014年6月18日 (水)

父の日のカード(A Card for Father's Day)




I have already aged 75 and my school mates , my intimate friends are now passing away.
My two daughters had already glown up as the atypical madams and their children (my grand children) are all grown up they are much taller than I am. My main hobby is the Ham Radio however ham radio activities are shirinking but my music activities are very much substaitial for me.The musics sound deeply in my mind. I don't know why but recently I often dream about my two daughters when they were still very young. I walk with my daughter holding her hand. I hold her in my arms. I beckoned her saying come on come on. It is very strange that sometimes my daughter is very small and she is on my parm. Even in the dream I feel something smell of them. The card for fathers day makes me dream of them again. Oh I was very young the photo shows, it was about 45 years ago !.

続きを読む "父の日のカード(A Card for Father's Day)"

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2013年11月 5日 (火)

胆石性胆嚢炎の手術(Medical operation to Remove Gallbladder)

今日は胆石の一杯詰まった胆嚢の摘出手術を受けて退院しました。10月30日に入院し手術は31日の朝9時15分からでした。足を固定され両腕に血圧計や血中酸素濃度計を付け胸には心電図のプローブが数か所付けられて、医者が「さあ、これから全身麻酔の点滴を入れますよ」と言って注射針を刺したら、、、もう後は何にも知りません。癒着も有ったようで腹腔鏡手術としては多少時間が長かったようです。12時になって手術室から出て麻酔から少し覚醒したら、「終わりましたよという声が」何の事だ!何が有ったんだ!初めは全く解りませんでした。しばらくして、ああそうか、俺は胆嚢摘出を受けていたのだ、と解りました。鼻から胃まで管が通され酸素マスクをして導尿の袋が付いていました。当日の夜はこのままの状態でベッドからは動けません。唾を飲みこむ時にのどが痛くて参りました。お腹の傷口の痛みは穴だけなのであまり痛みはありません。胆石は5mmから6mm位のものが25個も出てきました。尿管やのどの管も取れて翌日はかなり楽になりました。これでようやく食欲も出てくることでしょう。(I had Gallstone problem. But I didn't have any pain but my appetite was not good.
Doctors removed my gallbladder by using fiber scope camera and remote operatng devices into only three small holes in my abdomen. When a doctor told me [Now I will inject anesthesia] I suddenly lost my consciousness. After the sugery finished a doctor told me that the surgery had finished. But I didn't understand what had happened.
An oxygen mask ,an urine pipe, and another pipe was inserted into my nose down to my belly.It was very hard that night because I feel pain in my throat due to the pipe.
Next day I fell very comfortable after the all pipes were removed.Today I returned to my home and I hope now I will have a good appetite I hope.   

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2013年7月17日 (水)

最近の医学(特効薬) (A Very Efficacious Medecine)


I had been suffered for more than 25 years because of the incurable disease so called average psoriasis).It is caused by abnorml immunity activities in my body and it makes me to hasten to make keratin layer in the skin about more than ten times faster than normal speed.
That makes so many eruptions every where on my body. It was very much itchy. I used very stong steroid hormone medecine but it was not effective to cure the disease.One day when I was watching on NHK TV program and they reported a newly deveroped very good injection type medecine named stelala. My regular skin doctor introduced me to a doctor in JIKEI Medical University. The first injection treatement was done on 4th of October last year and then only about one month after the psoriasis had almost disappeared. My skin became very beautiful now therefore I can enjoy hot spring without any hesitation. At first I hesitate to show my ugly looking skin but I hope to tell this greate newly deveroped medecine to every person who is suffering from this kind of disease. Day after tommorrow I will have the fourth time injection.

治療前の皮膚の状態(Before the treatement)


治療後(After the treatement)



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