
2023年12月 2日 (土)

Digital Sax YDS-120の改造 (Remodelling a Digital Sax YDS-120)

最近購入したYAMAHAのDigital SaxYDS-120はとても軽くて持ち運びには良いのですが軽すぎて安定しません。フックの取り付け位置も楽器の重心位置よりもずっと下側なので持っていても安定しません、上の特にC♯では指が離れるので持っている位置がずれやすくてキーを押す時にずれてしまうことがあります。そこで下側の開口部に35mmφの大きな真鍮の丸棒の中心部をくりぬいて錘として取り付けました。結果として重心位置が下がり重さもある程度になったので楽器のホールドが安定して大変演奏しやすくなりました。

Recently I bought a digital Saxophone (YDS-120) made by YAMAHA. It is very much light comparing with the usual Saxophone therefore it is very unstable when holding it. The hook position is lower than it's center of gravity then when I play high C♯ key the instrument is very much unstable because I have to release my fingers. Then I put a 35mmΦ big blass part at the lower open end of the Sax. Now I can hold the Sax very stable and easy to play this Digital Saxophone.  

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2022年8月18日 (木)

サックス用スワブの製作 (Making a Swab for Saxophone)



When I started Saxophone playing I was taught to crean the inside of the Sax after playing using so called "Swab".So I used a Swab sold at YAMAHA shop. But I realized that Swab is just a cloth to use clean the Sax. The Swab is "zoukin" in Japanese. So i decided to make the Swab by myself. First I used a big yellow colored cloth but it was good for tenor Sax but too big for the Alto Sax. This time I used a large Handkerchief. I used a tube type string or cord and put a 6mm φ 20mm long brass for the weight at the end of the string. those materials are all reused one so I don't need any expense just "Zero" en ¥. It was very easy to make because I used a sewing machine. 

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2022年5月22日 (日)




I found a very old photographes it was taken probably when I was only four years old. We were born as a monovular twin that is why we are so much identical. I am the big brother because I was born after my brother it was so decided at that time. I can't distingush which one is me and also my brother can't. Even our parents sometimes mistook so one took bath two times or one took candy twice. We are already aged 83 now people do not mistake me as my brother however, we are still very identical. 


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2021年6月23日 (水)

ビンテージ テナーサックス YANAGISAWA (Vintage Tenor Sax Yanagisawa)

YANAGISAWAの本社に調べてもらったら、この 300-886463 のシリアルナンバーは約50年ほど前に製作されたビンテージだそうです。聞くところによるとマーチン・コミッティーⅢのコピーになるそうで、キーガードに特徴があります。G#が右手でも操作できるようになっています。この楽器は入手した時は、錆び、凹み、欠品、半田、外れ、タンポの破れなどで完全なジャンクでしたが、楽器のレストアーとしての作業を十分に楽しませてくれました。分解、清掃、磨き、塗装、組み立て、調整などの工程を勉強することが出来最終的には何とか演奏が出来るようになりました。しかし、現在の楽器とはトーンレバーがかなり違うために演奏はやりにくく、このままでは”楽器”としては使えないようです。更に調整をするか、又はこのままビンテージとして飾っておくしかないかも知れません。こんなテナーでもご希望の方が居られたら部品代5千円と送料(郵パック140サイズ)をご負担いただければお譲りします。

I asked when this Sax was produced and have a reply it was made about 50 years ago for this serial number 300-886463. And I hard that this one is a dead copy of Martin Committy Ⅲ. it has a peculiarity of it's tone hole gurd. There is a lever for G# by right side hand. When I got this junk tenor it was very rusty.many dents, lost parts, broken solder and broken tamp pads. However, I have very much enjoyed of aprting all parts,cleaning, polishing, painting, assembling and adjustment. So it was a very nice opprtunity to study how to repair the old sax and finally I succeeded to play music by this Tenor Sax.However, the arrangement of the tone levers are much different comparing with the sax of new one so it is very difficult to play. It might be not good to use as a musical instrument. I think it needs more sevier adjustment or it should better to be a nice decoration. I will sell this old sax at price 5000 JPY (for just parts cost). 





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2021年4月14日 (水)






The Saxophone is constructed of three main parts. main body, neck and mouth piece. There is a little screw to connect main body and neck. Recentry some new neck screw are on sale from some makers. They say those neck screws sre very good to improve the sound and playability so they are recomending to use them. The original screws are rather small because it does not need strength. The screws on sale are big and heavy. I think it is unbeliebvable to change the sound and playability by such a screws. However, I would like to try those screws. I made two big screws by lathe one is 19g and the other is 17g. The original screw is only 5g in weight. So the screws I made are almost four times heavyer than original one. I tried them setting on my Alt Saxophone and I realized that the plauability is somewhat getting easy and the sound became clear. The new screws cost about 7000 to 9000 Yen but the screws I made is only about 100 yen.  

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2019年7月 9日 (火)

サックス愛好家のサックス成果発表会 クラシック演奏 A Classical music






We had a small Sax recital held by Amateur Sax players group few days ago. I played a classical music Pavane composed by Faure. I was always play very fast so my instructer helped me by navigating on the note paper pointing by her finger. It was rather a long play 6 minutes but I think I finished playing without any trouble however, it has some long slur notes so the breathing was very hard for me. I think it would be a good enough for me as I am aged already 80.!?


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2019年6月25日 (火)



修復したアルトサックス(台湾製 Jupiter)の最終調整が完了し、大変演奏し易くなったので、ちょっと演奏してみました。淡谷のりこの有名な「別れのブルース」です。Youtubeからカラオケの音源を採録し、楽譜はそれに合うようにアルトサックスのE♭に移調しました。まだ十分な練習が出来ていません。

The repaired Alt Sax (Jupiter made in Taiwan) has finally fully adjusted and it became very easy to play. I just played a famous blues song "a parting bluse" (Wakare no buru-su) sang by Noriko awaya. I've down loaded it's Karaoke version from Youtube and I transposed it's score book into E♭for the Alt Saxophone. I have not practiced this song well ,yet.


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2018年6月 2日 (土)

アコーディオンの修復(Repairing an old Accordion)


I bought an old accordion. All keys and cord buttons work and blow good sound. however, some keys can not react smoothly the sound start time some what delay from the key action. I opened the accordion and I found some check valves do not work well because the valves became deformed due to the long years passed. the sound attack time delays as the valves do not close immediately. I think I have to make a inspection instrument so that I can check the each valve. The bellows are OK and the arrangement of the key board is also good.



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2018年3月18日 (日)

エレキ チェロの製作(Making an Electric Cello)


I tried to make an Electric Cello. As it is a very hard work to make a resonance box so I only make a flame work just same size with the 4/4 Cello string size. The bridge is a temporary one so I will make more good one soon.The whole structure is not refined yet.I will finish the flame with painting. I must use a vibration sensor but it is expensive then I used a condenser microphone instead of it. I tried to play and I realized that it could make a good low tone of the Cello sound.



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2018年2月23日 (金)

アルトサックス2機種の比較(Comparison of two alt saxophones)



YAMAHAの中級クラスのアルトサックス(YAS-62)と安物の島村楽器のMINERVAとを比較してみました。YAMAHAのはゴールドラッカー仕上げでMINERVAは管体がシルバー塗装でキーはクロームメッキのようです。MINERVAは若干キーが重い感じですが演奏性にはあまり影響は感じません。キーのストロークもYAS-62と比べて同じ程度です。MINERVAはHigh F#のキーがサイドキーにとても近い位置に付けられており普段は62を使っている私にはちょっと使いずらい感じがあります。しかし練れれば問題は無さそうです。たぶんこれは奏者の好みによるものではないかと思います。YAMAHAの純正のMP4Cを使って吹いた結果では62の方がマイルドな音でMINERVAは硬い感じの明瞭な音です。

I compared two saxophones such as YAMAHA YAS-62 and MINERVA of Shimamura Gakki. The YAS-62 is a middle class one and the MINERVA is a bigginer class one. YAS-62 is a gold laquer painted and MINERVA is a silver metalic painted. I thought the key action of MINERVA is somewhat heavy than YAS-62 but I don't feel any problem for playing it. The key strokes are almost same in both saxophones however. the highF# key of MINERVA is located very near to the side keyes so it was rather difficult to operate for me. But I think the key location will be depending on each players taste so I think I will be soon get used to operate it. The sound of YAS-62 is mild and MINERVA's sound is sharp and clear feeling. Any way there were no big deferences between them MINERVA is just good enough to use it for practicing. The cost of MINERVA is very cheap so it is not good to compare the cost. 

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